Sheriffs, the Lieutenant Governor and other experts on immigration in Texas gathered at the State Capital to discuss the federal government’s precious sanctuary state for criminal illegal aliens created through its Priority Enforcement Program.
The state faces a crisis created by the fed’s new immigration policies and these figures are desperately trying to deal with the continuous damage. They are warning everyone that the federal government has completely tied their hands.
Learn More about this Travesty on the Following Page:
Mexico is building a Trojan Horse in the U.S. to retake Texas.
Only because the m$#%&!@*ive allow it
Then do your job. Laws made up by this lawless administration mean NOTHING. Follow our Cons$#%&!@*ution and win in court, or do you not want to follow the law?
Whate the hell ever happened to good ole Texas justice, the wild west code??
Well?? You have lawgiver in Texas. It is their doing> throw them out and try them for treason.
Obama doesn’t follow the laws so why should you follow what the Feds say
fuk the federal govt—-states need to takeover
Did Congress p$#%&!@* new immigration laws or is some more of the Brown House Bullsh-t, if congress didn’t make the new laws, then ignore the camel humper and follow the state laws on illegals, stack them up on the border, then send the bill for removal to the Brown House and camel barn
Right on! Because only illegal immigrants kill, rape, and deal drugs here.
time for a round up