Sheriffs, the Lieutenant Governor and other experts on immigration in Texas gathered at the State Capital to discuss the federal government’s precious sanctuary state for criminal illegal aliens created through its Priority Enforcement Program.
The state faces a crisis created by the fed’s new immigration policies and these figures are desperately trying to deal with the continuous damage. They are warning everyone that the federal government has completely tied their hands.
Learn More about this Travesty on the Following Page:
you see them shoot them game over
Criminals by choice and definition SHOULD be treated AS criminals.
Why is Obama still a free man? If everything we learned in school anout law and American history is irrelevant, then the Government needs to pay to re educate my generation and others, but keep our rights to decide whether, or not to give them the finger.
They look like clowns
I won’t say that our Texas law makers have no spine, ONLY!, Because I am $#%&!@*uming they have a plan already.
How do you stop a million people
YOUR HANDS ARE NOT….. TIED!!! MAYBE YOUR HEARTS AND MINDS. USE THE TENTH AMENDMENT…NULLIFY…the elected sheriff is the highest ranking law enforcement official in his county…YOU CAN ARREST FEDERAL AGENTS!!!
CSPOA – Cons$#%&!@*utional Sheriffs and Peace Officers $#%&!@*ociation
WELCOME TO THE CSPOA “We can’t ignore where…
Thats the land of the free. Love it!
take them out in the desert. vultures &coyotes have to eat too.