Sheriffs, the Lieutenant Governor and other experts on immigration in Texas gathered at the State Capital to discuss the federal government’s precious sanctuary state for criminal illegal aliens created through its Priority Enforcement Program.
The state faces a crisis created by the fed’s new immigration policies and these figures are desperately trying to deal with the continuous damage. They are warning everyone that the federal government has completely tied their hands.
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we need to get rid of the border patrol, ice and homeland security and let the citizens do the job…2nd amendment is the only cons$#%&!@*utional homeland security
Viva LA Raza !
Brown pride !
You mean Democrats will go to any lengths to destroy Amerca? No waaaaaaay………$#%&!@*sexual-producers/463906637114798?pnref=lhc
While your busy worried about my seatbelt
I heard Obama swore the next 8 months will be hell for all Americans
Time for a to March!
Obama loves his illegals and their illegal votes He takes are hard earned money to give it to these filthy illegals
Thank a democrat,, the party that is dead set in destroying this country
Sounds like a job for the citizen militia…. If the claim can be substantiated.