Sheriffs, the Lieutenant Governor and other experts on immigration in Texas gathered at the State Capital to discuss the federal government’s precious sanctuary state for criminal illegal aliens created through its Priority Enforcement Program.
The state faces a crisis created by the fed’s new immigration policies and these figures are desperately trying to deal with the continuous damage. They are warning everyone that the federal government has completely tied their hands.
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well you can fix this real fast just turn a blind eye when ever a illegal is killed
when our Justice system Fails to do its Job . Good People will step up and deliver True Justice .
Shot, Shovel and Shut up.
And the Government wants to take are gun’s away … funny… is it not…
lock and load boys, tiome to take out the trash
Deporting is a Joke to the Mexican Criminals .. they just walk back in a few days later
Sheriffs are a Joke ..
Go Trump
Get em Texas Rangers. Can you send Obama, Hillary, Sharpton to Mexico while your at it?
Brown & proud !