Sheriffs, the Lieutenant Governor and other experts on immigration in Texas gathered at the State Capital to discuss the federal government’s precious sanctuary state for criminal illegal aliens created through its Priority Enforcement Program.
The state faces a crisis created by the fed’s new immigration policies and these figures are desperately trying to deal with the continuous damage. They are warning everyone that the federal government has completely tied their hands.
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in the Future . Swift and True Justice will replace our sissy Justice system . things will get much worse before that happens *
Time to elect some new sheriffs , maybe some with some guts
Pasadena Tax is 90% and how many are legal? No school staff will tell you, they know and are probably illegally employed there.
Man up and DO something about it!!!
Vigilante justice
This needs to change.
send them to Washington D.C.and let obama sleep with them.
Treason for obumba. Treason.Take back our country.
It will be like mexico ! Just across the border !!
thanks to obama