New videos are surfacing of what went down just minutes after the police state curfew went into effect in Baltimore back in May. News reports from CNN and a news outlet in Russia tell two completely different versions of the same story. The first video by CNN depicts an unconscious man and the reporter describing how bottles were being thrown at police. The second video shows an angry non-violent protestor yelling at police and then getting pepper-spyraed right in the face.
To see the truth go to the next page.
As an American hispanic, I’m tired of how all of these coward racist liberals that hate America like Obama, Clinton, and their supporters are trying to turn this great country into a 3rd world one. Unfortunately, one of the biggest problems we have right now is the media and entertainment that are always trying to tell us how to think. They have created enough imbeciles that would re-elect a failure like Obama. Even more, I’m supposed to bow down to anti-American Obama, love liberal policies no matter how destructive they are, love bigger enslaving government, and be in favor of illegal immigration because of the color of my skin… disgusting. That’s why I and others created “Chepo Team”, the first true pro-America, comic strip. Please support our cause by liking our facebook page . Thank you
Zionist media said Dylann Roof was a racist who hated black people yet his black friend said he did not hate blacks he just was not right in the head LOL his black friend they will never bring him up on charges of him having advance knowledge of the shooting yet his white friend they will have too keep this about race Zionist are smart always playing everyone against everyone else
Zionist take over America we are no different then North Korea on information we get from the news only difference is we think the news is the truth it’s all a front
I guess you have not seen who’s in the White House?Or his Muslim posse and what they are doing,Everyone else does!
last jew i saw on tv that they came after was Donald Sterling media thought he was a reg racist white guy remember Oprah wanting too buy the team then when Donald Sterling started talking about how blacks were treated in Israel and showing Donald Sterling as a racist Zionist you did not see are hear about him anymore that shows me who controls the media At that point Sterling – born to American Jewish immigrant parents as Donald Tokowitz – seemingly tries to defend his views by putting them in an international context, singling out how blacks are treated in Israel.
Sterling: “It’s the world! You go to Israel, the blacks are just treated like dogs.”
Stiviano: “So you have to treat them like that too?”
Sterling: “The white Jews, there’s white Jews and black Jews, do you understand?”
Stiviano: “Are are the black Jews less than the white Jews?”
Sterling: “A hundred percent, fifty, a hundred percent.”
Stiviano: “And is that right?”
Sterling: “It isn’t a question – we don’t evaluate what’s right and wrong, we live in a society. We live in a culture. We have to live within that culture.”
Soon Stiviano brings up the Holocaust, and Sterling seems to get upset. She says she would never tell a person that she wasn’t bringing them to a game because of their “race or color or culture.” Then she adds, “It’s like saying, ‘Let’s just persecute and kill all of the Jews.’”
Sterling: “Oh, it’s the same thing, right?”
Stiviano: “Isn’t it wrong? Wasn’t it wrong then? With the Holocaust? And you’re Jewish, you understand discrimination.”
Sterling: “You’re a mental case, you’re really a mental case. The Holocaust, we’re comparing with …”
Stiviano: “Racism! Discrimination.”
Sterling: “There’s no racism here. If you don’t want to be … walking … into a basketball game with a certain … person, is that racism?”
Read more:
There is an old adage, The Squeaky Wheel gets greased! There is validity to that but it is destroying our Nation! Figure this out… George Soros has an unpaid Tax Bill of 7 Billion Dollars! However, his foundations spend millions paying the LOUD MOUTHED and lazy welfare bums to make noise so that we are more and more threatened! What’s wrong with this picture? Who made George Soros a citizen of the United States? How did he attain citizenship? He is the dregs of society! Dan Gainor of the Media Research Center said this in one of his articles, QUOTE: George Soros [1] has donated more than $8 billion globally to his Open Society Foundations. Couple that with decades of investing around the world and it would be easy to assume Soros in a figure of global popularity. Only he isn’t. He’s almost the polar opposite.
Soros made headlines recently [2] warning of increased economic problems, the growth of Occupy Wall Street and government repression what he characterized as “strong-arm tactics to maintain law and order.” In short, the kind of chaos he helped foment in the old Soviet Union and elsewhere.
In his book “Open Society,” Soros credits his foundation with “mobilizing civil society” against the government in Slovakia [3] and Croatia [4], among others. He readily calls himself “an active participant [5] in the revolution that swept away the Soviet system.”
So when Soros talks of chaos, it’s a subject he knows well. The only question is his involvement.
Most everywhere Soros, his foundations or his investment money has gone, trouble has followed.
He’s helped start revolutions, undermined national currencies and funded radicals around the world.
Soros has been convicted of insider dealing in France [6] and fined $3 million, fined another $2 million in his native Hungary [7].
His “foundations have been accused of shielding spies and breaking currency laws” and his investing strategy has been targeted for harming several national currencies.
That’s not the story the broadcast networks have been telling about Soros for the past five years.
There were 29 mentions of Soros during that time but only one gave any hint at trouble, and that was merely to mention he was “still known as the man who broke the Bank of England.”
But ABC followed that description up with: “That was all legal.”
Only a sex scandal with a 28-year-old Brazilian actress gave Soros any negative publicity at all.
But there have been lots of negatives in Soros’s past as he’s spread his influence around the world. Soros wears criticism like a badge of honor.
“I have now come under attack in several countries: in Hungary from Hungarian nationalists; in Romania [8] from the Vatra Romanesca; in Slovakia from the communist party newspaper Pravda; in the Soviet Union by the organ of the hard-liners Sovietskaia Russiya,” he claims in “Underwriting Democracy [9].”
Soros’s Open Society Fund was created in 1979 as a charitable lead trust. Even its creator admitted his motives were “basically selfish [10]” and he wanted a “tax gimmick.” He did it as a “trust for his children” UNQUOTE Who are the idiots here? Why do we allow this in our Society? No one else wants him?
All I got out of it if u throw bottles at cops expect possible side effects of getting shot
Darrin Edward Warfield and when it comes too obama zionist have been 100% more destructive too destroying america from within seats of power then Muslims will ever be zionist are pretty much Untouchable
Because, “liberalism is a “huge ” mental disorder! That’s all”!