A Montgomery County man charged with kidnapping and raping a twelve year old girl allegedly told his friend that she was “fresh meat” before he raped her, as well. The twelve year old girl spoke to detectives about the incident and participated in a texting sting that got one of the suspects to make incriminating statements. According to court records, the two men were held Friday in the Montgomery jail on $500,000 bonds.
The two suspects are identified as Enrique Carbajal, 24, and Victor Tome, 19. Detectives said that at least one of the suspects knows the girl’s mother because on March 26, Carbajal called the girl’s mother at her job to find out if her daughter was home. What part the mother has to play in this is unclear. But the fact that things like this have become so common is an indicator of just how far we’ve fallen as a country and a clear lack of morality.
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Obamas scumbags
Death for them.
All bleeding heart liberals who support these criminal invaders being in the US are accessories to these crimes. Apparently our children getting raped and murdered is merely collateral damage in order to ensure a steady stream of new Democrat voters.
you need to tell obama about this he allowed them in so he should get to know his an asshole
Let’s cloge up the legal system
To be fair I think more Americans are killed raped and mugged by their fellow Americans.
Jerry Wolford nobody cares what color they are …you are racist
both should get jail time until 20 jan 2017 – let free to roam the white house! let that bastard traitor POS obumer deal with what he is thrusting on us!!!!!!!!!!!
Michael Menges then they blame a concervative for not giving away all they have
This is Obama’s kind of people!