Donald Trump made what many called a “critical error” this week when he decided to skip tonight’s GOP debate on Fox News. Others drew parallels to Ronald Reagan’s decision to skip the ultimate debate before his own Iowa caucus, a caucus in which he lost, the pundits are happy to point out.
Of course, we all know how that story ended…
Besides, it’s not as if Trump doesn’t have something up his sleeve. In just a matter of days Donald Trump has cobbled together a concurrent event on CNN, and now multiple other candidates want in as well.
If his big move to skip the debate was a bad one, these candidates sure don’t think so.
To see who’s hedging their bets on Trump’s show being a ratings juggernaut, continue reading on the next page:
Who cares. Just as long as the president is not Bernie or the Witch!
CNN only
CNN if it’s not on OAN.
No mistake about it-raising funds for veterans is more important than helping FOX make profit. (Fox owner wants open borders and amnesty for illegals.)
Fox news rules . get the truth out
The whole ‘skip the debate’ thing isn’t what’s making me cranky. I am disheartened to realize that I can flip through the channels on my TV ’til the cows come home , and I cannot trust any news channel to report the news to me clearly, succinctly and factual . I don’t want to have to analyze every snippet of every news report to determine if I have been manipulated , snookered and led down the primrose path. Just tell the damn truth and I’ll take it from there. Over and out.
With Fox pandering to using these you tube activists to ask questions at a debate is despicable !