Donald Trump made what many called a “critical error” this week when he decided to skip tonight’s GOP debate on Fox News. Others drew parallels to Ronald Reagan’s decision to skip the ultimate debate before his own Iowa caucus, a caucus in which he lost, the pundits are happy to point out.
Of course, we all know how that story ended…
Besides, it’s not as if Trump doesn’t have something up his sleeve. In just a matter of days Donald Trump has cobbled together a concurrent event on CNN, and now multiple other candidates want in as well.
If his big move to skip the debate was a bad one, these candidates sure don’t think so.
To see who’s hedging their bets on Trump’s show being a ratings juggernaut, continue reading on the next page:
Trump fundraiser for me, Fox is bought and paid for, they report stories how they are told to tell them. CNN covered the Trump fundraiser for our veterans and raised over 6 million dollars for our vets. From what I heard fox was up to its antics and had to sabotage Cruz instead.
More reason to boycott Fox permanently.
NFL network
Bob Frank I still believe in Dobald Trump. He did the right thing in not doing the debate. Again fox played dirty pool only this time Cruz paid for it. The man who owns fox wants a candidate who will keep the borders open and be a supporter of illegal aliens. Trump is the only one saying to close the borders until we get walls built, take care of our illegal problem and find a way to make sure people coming into this country will assimilate. He is a business man who knows how to make deals, this country is trillions in debt. I believe it will take a successful business man to clean up our government and our debt.
Trump raised over 6 million dollars for out veterans tonight on CNN that will go straight to the veterans.
I agree
I watched the DONALD TRUMP event live streaming on the internet. It was inspiring, positive and an amazing tribute to our VETS! He raised $6 Million for the VETS tonight! Thank you Donald Trump! The People’s President!
It is not just about her. He supports closing the borders and fixing our vetting system before we let in any more Muslims. The man that owns fox is head of an organization supporting open borders and allowing illegal immigrants to stay. He does not want Donald to win and that’s why they target him and used Meagan as the tool to deliver the blows.
This man says it best
Wasn’t wounded warriors the one they were discussing the other night on the news were the people running it take big wages and what actually gets handed down to the veterans is peanuts?