Donald Trump made what many called a “critical error” this week when he decided to skip tonight’s GOP debate on Fox News. Others drew parallels to Ronald Reagan’s decision to skip the ultimate debate before his own Iowa caucus, a caucus in which he lost, the pundits are happy to point out.
Of course, we all know how that story ended…
Besides, it’s not as if Trump doesn’t have something up his sleeve. In just a matter of days Donald Trump has cobbled together a concurrent event on CNN, and now multiple other candidates want in as well.
If his big move to skip the debate was a bad one, these candidates sure don’t think so.
To see who’s hedging their bets on Trump’s show being a ratings juggernaut, continue reading on the next page:
Can’t flip channel they will get credit for it also I deleted the apps off my phone and I pad.
I’m watching the debates, I want to hear what the cansdets have to say about the issues, that what these debates are for. Not to cator to one person.
Not watching Trump.. Candy$#%&!@*cry baby
I’m watching Straight Outta Compton. I’ll catch the highlights tomorrow. Really, I’ll just tune in to what Dr. Paul had to say. Screw the rest. Lot of Trump Stumps on here eh? I can respect his shoot from the hip anti-pc stance as a civilian, but certainly not my POTUS. No true liberty loving conservative would really vote for this joker. He’s certainly good for a laugh.
No flipping
“This is not an election about who can check off the most boxes on a conservative policy list, or even about who is the best or nicest person. This is an election about saving the concept of America, an existential election like no other has ever been. Anyone who doesn’t grasp this is part of the problem, not part of the solution.”
I will not watch Fox. CNN had a navy vet on that that said Trump doesn’t know what vets go through but Hillary does. Ys, sh saw that during the Benghazi attack. Worthless pos.
Trump Event. If its on Fox and involves Kelly….it’s not a fair and honest debate for the people.
Not watching debate.