Twitter users lashed out at a recent announcement from the White House Twitter account which said the government would award one billion dollars to 13 cities, states and counties to help build more climate resilient communities.
The award is the prize for a National Disaster Resilience Competition organized by the department of Housing and Urban Development.
The HUD Secretary Julián Castro praised the competition as an example of how the government can work “hand-in-hand” with private sector businesses and entrepreneurs. Twitter followers of the White House Twitter page immediately reacted to the announcement. Some chided the White House for determinging the expenditure of one billion dollars through a morbid contest. Others derided the program for frivolous spending, urging the White House to use it instead on veteran’s affairs.
The White House announcement of the winners of the competition did not include Flint, Michigan, which has been embroiled in a tainted water scandal that has placed tens of thousands of residents in danger.
Read more on page 2.
Exactly another reason why trump will be the next president of the united states !!
Obviously a so called leader of the free world a joker and a fool.
I miss having an American President
Now isn’t that the super important issue that requires the personal touch of a POTUS! Thumbs UP for muzzies – thumbs down for USA – a presidential decision!
Resilient to what, God he controls the weather!
Just another way to steal the tax payers money an give it to his kind.
How about helping Flint MI. ?
America is in the first stage of Muslims entering Our country. I’m trying to get a YouTube post from a man who knows the Quran very well. Her it is with spaces between each letter. When you type it in please take out all the spaces to make a web site to go to and click on his video. You will learn a lot about why they are coming to America.
h t t p s : / / m . Y o u t u b e . C o m / w a t c h ? V = E R o u _ Q 5 1 9 G w
Mixing has no value to God, and not even to both parts of humans which eventually lead mixing people in great peril by both ; better to stand by one seriously whichever it is..Global Islamic view of Moses
absoulte worst makes carter look like a damn good one