Democrat Jackie Speire, who represents southern San Mateo and San Fransisco County, is deplorable in her boycott position, stating,
“I’m not going to stand up for a moment of silence again and then watch us do nothing. It’s hypocritical and it speaks to our impotence that we think that it’s good enough to just take out one minute and pray for the lives,” she said, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Her impotence is her issue. She wants more control and thus gun-control is what she would stand silently for, not for the hurting families and victims.
The idea is that those who sent “thoughts and prayers” to the victims and to law enforcement during the attack, instead of calling for immediate gun control legislation, are complicit in the murder.
The media criticism of GOP presidential candidates who offered their prayers and thoughts, linking this to apathy, doing “nothing” and complicit with the murderers for not calling for gun control, is part of this new boycott phenomenon.
“The families of those who have died don’t want our one minute of silence. They want some assurance that this kind of conduct is not going to be sanctioned in this country moving forward,” Speier said. “I’ve had it. I have had it with inaction. I’ve had it with the sense that it’s OK that we not act.”
The thing that Speier and those on the left conveniently leave out is the fact that California has the toughest gun control laws in the whole country. They also are not speaking to the fact that the guns used in the San Bernardino slaughter, were according to ATF, illegal in California, thus rendering the argument for tougher gun laws mute. Criminals don’t obey laws!
This is the new politically correct, refusing to stand in silence. Laws before people. Gun control rhetoric before prayers and thoughtful concern for the victims of terror.
Source: Breitbart
Photo: FrontiersMedia
Shame On You
Sick people. They are not Americans.