Filling the Dallas arena where the Mavaricks NBA team plays, Donald Trump filled a night with wildly enthusiastic fans. His plans are coming together with stands on immigration and border security. See some of his many highlight quotes on the next page:
The only thing is you are not going to get a rich man to know what it is like to live payday to payday.That`s why we need to vote for a working man,Like Robert Macleod Jr/Anderson 2016 of The American Party on a write in at the primary`s.
Yes sir their is, the article mentions his Dallas visit thought, I guess the title of the article threw me off.
Do you mean like Obama…..the community organizer?
Yes like Obama and countless others.
Trump has no idea what its like to be poor and have to work for money. Get off board or die in the wreck.
Don’t waste your vote,am not a big Trump fan but he is one of 3 running on the republican ticket that are not career politicians,the other 2 are Carson and Fiorina,and one of those 3 are getting my vote for sure.
TRUMP for PRES..!!!
go Donald J. Trump