Twenty Thousand Stand and Cheer Wildly for Trump At Sold-Out Texas Stadium


“Our military will be so strong,” he said, “so that we will never have to use it.”
Trump promises that the world is going to respect the U.S.  again. His contrasts are 180 from the stance of Barack Obama.

“We are going to fight hard, negotiate well. We will get rid of the regulations that are destroying us.”
“We are going to make America great again!” Trump closed.
“This is a Trump Wall,” he said. The border wall with Mexico will not be a wall that you can get over with a ladder from Home Depot. “It will be a beautiful wall.”
“Obamacare — We are going to repeal it, replace it and get something great,”
“We will have a plan that will be so good. We will get rid of the phony state borders,” so that true negotiations can take place. “We will do something really good for the people and it will be cheaper for the country.”

Source: Breitbart

He then threatened to hurt American companies with import tariffs if they export jobs to Mexico.
He expalained that something has to be done about illegal immigration.  He said, “We have to build a wall. Walls work.” He received his loudest standing ovation of the speech regarding sealing the border.

“We have to end this sanctuary cities crap fast!” Trump said and the crowd roared in support.

“We are going to have a great border,” he explained. “We want people who will come here legally. We want great people.”
And yes, Donald Trump has a great sense of humor, sending the crowd into stitches by entering  the arena to a loudly cheering crowd.

His first comment:  “Did you notice what’s missing tonight?” Trump asked, “Teleprompters!”





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