Turkish Muslim Authority: Only Demons Eat With the Left Hand

Turkey is steadily doing everything in its power to return to the age of the Prophet Mohammed.

Although people would be forgiven for thinking they were trying to return to the standards of a deprived 3rd world country.  

Even more appalling than the recent ruling by the Diyanet (Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs) in regards to the left hand being “demonic”, is the fact child marriage is viewed as being the norm, not the deviant.

It is not Diyanet’s first eyebrow-raising ruling in recent months. In January, it appeared to have endorsed the marriages of boys and girls at the age of 12 and 9 respectively. The statement, that appeared in an online religious glossary on its website, immediately caused an uproar, with opposition parties demanding a parliamentary investigation into the authority. Diyanet subsequently took down the entry, denying it was ever in favor of child marriages which is outlawed in Turkey, and said it was merely interpreting Islamic law.

In a fatwa in December, it warned that any husband who tells his wife that she resembles a female relative of his, a mother or a sister, should be automatically considered divorced from his wife.

Apart from offering lifestyle guidance, Diyanet has also dabbled in both finance and high tech, banning cryptocurrency operations as inappropriate according to Islam

How terrifying is it that these Muslim cleric’s best defense is that they were just “interpreting Islamic law”?

This is what Islam teaches.

As we all know, Linda Sarsour already boasts about bringing Sharia Law to America…

If the Left has their way, we might soon be having to hide our daughters and left-handed children.

As absurd as that sounds, that is the truth.

You should be horrified.

Source: RT



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