It’s time to revive the Ottoman Empire and the conquer Jerusalem, according to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.
Erdogan and Davutoglu have called upon the entire Islamic world to unify behind the formation of universal Islamic empire with the desire to retake Jerusalem at the forefront.
The Muzzies are coming, the Muzzies are coming!!!
The Turks did that once before and General Allenby and the Allies kicked them out of Jerusalem.
Well looks like they will be a bunch of dead Muslims.
Thought Turkey was a NATO member??!! If so, they should be kicked out!!!!! Fucking morons
You IDIOTS will suffer heavily!
I think Israel should kill everyone that trys.
GOOD let’s take of this here and now…
On the road to self-destruction.
They hate Israel and the Jews,,, they want a one world goverment based on Shari