It’s time to revive the Ottoman Empire and the conquer Jerusalem, according to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.
Erdogan and Davutoglu have called upon the entire Islamic world to unify behind the formation of universal Islamic empire with the desire to retake Jerusalem at the forefront.
I think it is time for a meteor the size of Texas to slam into the Earth at 35000 miles per hour
Turkey,you can’t even handle the Kurds!!! You’re nothing without NATO backing you up. Just a poor Muslim nation.
I dont suppose you will be there leading the pack?
They claim to have the same God as Christians as they call for the rape, torture and murder of Christians… Makes sense to me!!!
What ??? islam is ( NOT ) a loving….caring……..and kind…..CULT……….please go to this site and be sure and share its information……….www.biblebelievers
Turks were allways the trouble makers why should change now?
Then they will be dead turkeys.
Sounds like a declaration of invasion. Let’s see how well that goes…
Before some innocents die why not he go first with his suicide belt as devoted Muslim set the example idiot
Yeah that would solve the problem. Of course it would kill all life on Planet Earth.