It’s time to revive the Ottoman Empire and the conquer Jerusalem, according to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.
Erdogan and Davutoglu have called upon the entire Islamic world to unify behind the formation of universal Islamic empire with the desire to retake Jerusalem at the forefront.
More from the uncivilized, barbaric, Satanic ‘religion’ of peace – I’m sure their pedophile prophet would be pleased… if he, himself, wasn’t be tormented in the Lake of Fire!!!
At least the savage Muslims aren’t greedily longing to grab the last sliver of land where freedom still exists.
That will result in a bunch of dead Muslims.
Turkey should call Egypt and ask them how that went.
and we the people along with several other countries will run to the fight, the muslims will see an opposing force like they have never seen before in history
For some reason this world is calling the white demons. They’re suggesting that we come out of our loving caring hopeful patient lifestyle and become the merciless killers that we have been in the past and I don’t know why they don’t look back in the past and realized that’s the can of worms they are attempting to open right now. There’s absolutely no way the Christian Knights are going to allow this pathetic garbage to run over something so sacred
These are loving caring people right.
Trump showed the planet in 20 seconds what happens when you stop being apologetic
Was there even one short period in their existence when they were sane?
The Muslims first need to withdraw fro all Christians countries. Go back home to your Muslim countries. Then talk.
Proof once again they are not the religion of peace they claim to be. The UN also has proven that they too have desire for peace.