It’s time to revive the Ottoman Empire and the conquer Jerusalem, according to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.
Erdogan and Davutoglu have called upon the entire Islamic world to unify behind the formation of universal Islamic empire with the desire to retake Jerusalem at the forefront.
Muslims Better Read Zechariah 14:2
Good luck.
This’s another Rocket man…on a suicide mission? Go ahead. I’m sure Israel will incinerate you completely. US will also stand with Israel…but it will be an overkill.
Another avenue to WWlll and nuclear holocaust for all….Do they really think they can conquer Israel……..?
Really stupid. Bring LOTS of body bags.
Bring it on, that way Israel and America will finally have a reason to wipe out this cancer once and for all.
see you glowing in dark soon. have a nice burn
You know, islam is growing far faster than Christianity. If you believe in the One True God, OUR Lord and Savior, you MUST drop to your knees and then STAND UP for the Lord.
I lived in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for 2 years, working for an American country. I didn’t live among the kings and princes, I lived among the common arab folk. Americans, there is no MORE COMMON folk than the arabs ! You don’t want them here, trust me, unless they are 100% willing to assimilate, and how does one know ? ? ? You’ve been warned !