It’s time to revive the Ottoman Empire and the conquer Jerusalem, according to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.
Erdogan and Davutoglu have called upon the entire Islamic world to unify behind the formation of universal Islamic empire with the desire to retake Jerusalem at the forefront.
Sick of this
Was obama your partner.
Evilness like you will lose out in the end…
Almost a thousand years ago, the Knights Templar would hire the Sunnis to fight the Shites, then hire the Shites to fight the Sunnis. It only worked for 350 years. Now, the minority Shites are thinking about taking on the Majority Sunnis. With thinking like that, Iran is going to ask Israel for help?
No more
This is what the Globalists want.
This stunning recording from 1967 speaks to the very problems we face today, including F**e News, government corruption, the Corrupt United Nations and infiltration of a Luciferian Rothschild cult who may have gained irreversible control of the US government.
Wonder how many wars we can be in at one time