Bodyguards working for Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, were involved in a violent skirmish today outside of the ambassador’s home in Washington, D.C. The fight allegedly left nine protesters injured.
Protesters critical of the Turkish government claimed that Erdogan’s bodyguards or security staffers working for the Turkish embassy launched the attack. Video of the fight showed men in suits kicking people, some while they were on the ground. The footage shows some victims covered in blood.
“They just literally broke through the line, crossed the street, and stopped the protesters,” Hamparian told The Daily Caller by phone.
Hamparian, who is highly critical of Erdogan, said that two dozen anti-Erdogan protesters, mostly Armenian and Kurdish, were protesting peacefully across the street from the residence. He said that the onslaught broke out suddenly. He says the videos show that the pro-Erdogan fighters appeared to be professionals of some sort. He also said they outnumbered the protesters.
“It all took place at once. It was by very capable people. It felt to me, it looked to me like a highly orchestrated attack,” he added.
Erdogan’s government has been fighting an ongoing military operation against The Kurdistan Worker’s party in the southeastern part of Turkey. The Kurdistan Worker’s party otherwise known as the PKK, is a U.S. orchestrated Marxist terror group, that does present an active threat to Turkish civilians safety. Turkish officials view the PKK, PYD, the People’s Protection Units (YPG), and their fighters as working together or being in cohorts. This creates tense U.S./Turkey relations as the YPG are firm allies with the U.S. and often viewed as being indispensable allies in fighting ISIS.
Erdogan came to Washington in part to demand that President Donald Trump rescind his approval of a program to arm the YPG in anticipation of an operation to liberate Raqqa, the Islamic State “capital” and its final stronghold in Syria. A week before arriving in America, Erdogan announced his “patience has ended” with the United States and its alliance with the YPG.
Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım reiterated that resolve hours before Erdogan met with Trump, telling reporters that Turkey was open to doing “what is necessary” to keep the YPG from participating in the fight against the Islamic State, implying military action. Shortly after the Pentagon’s announcement that Washington would provide the Syrian Kurds with heavy weapons, the Turkish military executed airstrikes against YPG positions in Syria.
The conflict extends far beyond nine protesters being injured by body guards. This fight could arguably be perceived as being a clear message to the U.S. that two could play at this game and Turkey was prepared to fight perceived terror groups on any foreign soil.
Source: The Daily Caller and Breitbart
Good we can’t beat that ads without getting arrested so please send us more guys to kick these no working lazy freeloaders asses we would love to see more
And were these foreigners arrested for attacking Americans, in America??? If not, why??
They have diplomatic immunity………’s the law…….
Then the law needs to be changed!
Didn’t they realize they were in OUR country? It was unnecessary, bottom line! Too bad if they don’t like protests.
That’s how they handle this entitled trash at “home”!
They should do the same wih BLM & Libtards blocing roads
I thought it was how our police should handle BLM -Berkley-Baltimore! Drive in tanks and run em down.