Barack Obama was quite insulting in his assessment of President George Bush’s handling of U.S. activities in the Middle East. Obama has always been arrogant and overconfident in his abilities, and now his ineptitude or perhaps his darker motives, are creating a maelstrom of destruction and infighting that far outstrip anything Bush ever could have done in Iraq.
Obama’s actions could very well usher in World War III, and he is also destroying previously cordial relationships with NATO allies such as Turkey. All the while, his inaction and poor leadership has invited Russia into the arena and expanded the power and influence of both Russia and Iran. Pretty impressive for a peace and consensus builder. In fact, Obama has bumbled the crises in Syria so badly over the past five years that Turkey says they are giving up on the “boy who would be king” and will wait and deal with the new administration after Obama leaves office. Now that is a true vote of confidence, though it is doubtful that Obama even recognizes the snub for what it is.
That is not to say, however, that the tangle in Syria is an easy one to resolve. The U.S. would prefer to see Bashar Al-Assad, the Syrian leader and brutal strongman, step down. The question is who will replace him if that happens. The U.S. had a chance to exercise more influence in the region but dithered, which allowed ISIS to gain significant power, and it also allowed Russia and Iran to come into the game, purportedly to support Assad and to put down the world threatening ISIS. But the vacuum left by American inactivity allowed Russia and Iran to greatly expand their power and footprint in the region, which would not have happened if the U.S. had stepped up and taken the lead as the leading world power.
More confusion in Syria, page 2:
Brenda. Also Clinton should have done something after the U S Cole was hit. Instead he had to run after another young girl. What a joke
We know how you feel
Arrest Obama
he gets no respect from Americans because he give America none,he has shown nothing but hate and discontent for this country and our miliary since the day he was elected it’s been a sad 7 years since he started destroying everything good about America
I gave up on obama 7 years ago.
It will be same results if people elect Freshman Senator to run this great country, Rubio, and Cruz accomplish something first before you want to play on the Varsity Team. Trump 2016
We gave up on Obama s long time ago. Bias media still covers for him. He makes such dumb decisions. Don’t want Hillery she will be like him she says
Really! I lost tons of money under Bush and made 10x the money under Obama! So! What exactly did he do to you! Explain!
ssstupid bastard has no business in the white house
I can’t say that I ever gave up on obama…
I can’t say that I ever invested anything either…
Could see that train-wreck coming before he conned his way into the white house…