Barack Obama was quite insulting in his assessment of President George Bush’s handling of U.S. activities in the Middle East. Obama has always been arrogant and overconfident in his abilities, and now his ineptitude or perhaps his darker motives, are creating a maelstrom of destruction and infighting that far outstrip anything Bush ever could have done in Iraq.
Obama’s actions could very well usher in World War III, and he is also destroying previously cordial relationships with NATO allies such as Turkey. All the while, his inaction and poor leadership has invited Russia into the arena and expanded the power and influence of both Russia and Iran. Pretty impressive for a peace and consensus builder. In fact, Obama has bumbled the crises in Syria so badly over the past five years that Turkey says they are giving up on the “boy who would be king” and will wait and deal with the new administration after Obama leaves office. Now that is a true vote of confidence, though it is doubtful that Obama even recognizes the snub for what it is.
That is not to say, however, that the tangle in Syria is an easy one to resolve. The U.S. would prefer to see Bashar Al-Assad, the Syrian leader and brutal strongman, step down. The question is who will replace him if that happens. The U.S. had a chance to exercise more influence in the region but dithered, which allowed ISIS to gain significant power, and it also allowed Russia and Iran to come into the game, purportedly to support Assad and to put down the world threatening ISIS. But the vacuum left by American inactivity allowed Russia and Iran to greatly expand their power and footprint in the region, which would not have happened if the U.S. had stepped up and taken the lead as the leading world power.
More confusion in Syria, page 2:
Everyone of our allies has given up on Obama!
So haven’t the American people!
Lol, what do you expect from a community organizer. Turkey says they give up on ” the boy who would be king”. Now that’s funny. He’s like Rodney Dangerfield, he gets no respect.
You beat me to it, absolutely right.
How do you think Americans feel, Turkey?
erdogan is just as evil as barry hussein-both isis supporters
He created it. Now it’s kicking back at him.
A little late to the party, but glad you could make it.
Written by a Facebook member…a good read……….I’ve been thinking a lot about Donald Trump, people say that he doesn’t have a platform, that he just wants to make America great again. I have something to say about that, Donald Trump is not telling you his plan he’s giving you an outline. Why? Every time he brought something to the table, the other candidates take it and run. Such as immigration, the wall and other issues. I can guarantee you that he won’t give you his full plans in detail until he standing at the podium next to one of the Democrats. That is when he will reveal everything. He doesn’t need to do that now. Donald Trump is a visionary. He doesn’t go into business without a strategy, and a form of negotiation already set. This man is prepared in business and it will be prepared when the time is right in a debate. He is a brilliant man, and he will not reveal his hand. He doesn’t have to, he has his supporters. They believe in him, they know he could be the commander in chief and lead this country in the right direction. As far as foreign policy, you say he lacks. What I say is he knows the economy, he knows the about taxes, trade, laws, foreign values, he knows that inside and out because he’s dealt with them for so many years. Now if he hadn’t been good with dealing with the foreign market, he wouldn’t be the billionaire that he is now. He is a international brand. He knows leaders and foreign dignitaries. He is an economic genius with the skills to make this country great again. By bringing businesses back into this country and creating jobs. This will only help our economy. He would protect the United States from those who want to do us harm. He loves this country, and. will do what he has to do to protect it. HE IS bold and brash, he says what he means it means what it says, and that is what we like about him so much. He will be a tough negotiator and our allies will know where he stands at all times. They know his word will mean something, and so will our enemies. This is a brilliant man who has focus and he is pragmatic. He knows how to solve problems quickly. He will surround himself with the best of the best in all branches of the government. You will not see our soldiers kneeling at the feet of Iranians, nor will you see Isis take over the world. You haven’t seen the guy work yet. All you’ve seen is a businessman turned politician before your eyes. His supporters are standing shoulder to shoulder with him and will not sway. Lobbyist and special interest groups will no longer be able to line the pockets of our House and Senate. Because when they do, the Senators and congressmen will pass a bill and legislation and it will be a conflict of interest to the United States. No more will you have super PACs running this country. The media can ridicule Donald Trump and his supporters all they want, But we are digging in our heels. We will not be deterred. The fact of the matter is, you think Americans are stupid. But we are the backbone of this country. Americans will determine the vote, not the special interest groups or the lobbiests. They will finally understand clearly. Our voices will be heard. We will support our troops and build up our military and take care of our vets. Because this administration has not had their backs, nor have they listened to our top military leaders. No longer will our military hands be tied. He will secure our borders and revamp our visa program. He will do everything in his power to keep American safe. He will call our enemies by name, radical jihadists. There will no longer be political correctness, for it is destroying our country and dividing us. Americans are finally pulling together as one, United we stand, shoulder to shoulder with Donald Trump