Tucker Carlson Takes On Anthropologist Who Defends FGM

The practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is being defended by Leftists in growing numbers.  Reasons for this are many, but the main thrust of these arguments are occurring for a very specific reason.

The increase of immigrants and refugees to this country from regions of the Middle East and Africa which practice this ritualistic surgery of young girls is directly correlating to the alarming rate at which said procedure is being performed here in the United States.

This country recognized the barbaric practice for what it was over 20 years ago and banned its utilization, regardless of the argument used in its defense.  However, the new breed of Muslim propagandists have entered the fray with a more streamlined, nuanced message regarding the practice which has attempted to explain away the horrific nature of the practice.

Tucker Carlson had a frank and uncomfortable (for him) conversation regarding this practice.  He was speaking to Fuambai Ahmadu, an anthropologist from Africa who had voluntarily undergone the surgery in question, as an adult, and defends its practice in little girls.

Amazingly, Ahmadu argues that she doesn’t view the surgery as a mutilation at all, and in fact refers to the procedure as a “tiny nick” that heals and is no more appalling than a male baby’s circumcision, which is why she refers to the practice as “female circumcision.”

There are two problems with that argument, however.  The first is that if it is as non-invasive as she’s purporting, why is the practice too dangerous for infant children?  Male circumcision is performed days after birth (often times on the same day as birth).

Secondly, this new breed of Muslim “explainists” (similar to the apologists in Western cultures) has been pushing the narrative that FGM is not barbaric because it is the equivalent of male circumcision, so that when the argument is made that there are health advantages to the male practice (with accompanying medical statistics and information to bear that out), the explainist’s counter-point is that this is a fallacy, that there is no health advantage to male circumcision.  They often ascribe the widely practiced procedure as a “Zionist conspiracy” to force Judaic culture on the rest of the Western world.

If we continue to accept sharia law-abiding immigrants unimpeded and unvetted, the Trojan Horse that Donald Trump (the candidate) warned Americans about, will burst open and release its hordes upon us.

Are we really willing to do so for the sake of Political Correctness?

Source:  YouTube / Fox News Channel



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