In a fitting topic for the income tax filing deadline, Tucker Carlson roasted a California politics professor on Tucker Carlson Tonight last evening for claiming wealthy Americans are not paying their “fair share” in income taxes.
Caroline Heldman, an assistant professor of politics at Occidental College in Los Angeles, argued for radically hiking taxes on taxpayers in the top one percent of income, those earning $470,000 and higher.
She based her argument in part on the fact that wealthy individuals paid as much as 90 percent in taxes during the presidencies of Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy.
Find out how Carlson countered her argument and revealed her for the socialist ideologue she is on the next page.
Which means she teaches absolutely NOTHING that will help you get a job when you graduate. Worthless , and she wants more funds for education? I want the funds we have to go to EDUCATION SO CUT HER CLASSES they produce problems not answers.
I love how we hear all these very confused people screaming about a state taxes you should be able to leave your family your estate tax free that estate was taxed to death before the family even got it
luv it
I love how Tucker did the same thing I did….just laugh at her….and she is a professor???
This happened over three months ago.
It’s what atheist, socialist, snowflakes do.
Everyone thats richer than her and her affluent family should pay up to 83% taxes? She says she gives to non profit organizations instead of paying more taxes to government, Im sure the top 1% she keeps screeching about give to charities too, you can actually get a wrote off on taxes for doing so, I wish Tucker would of said that to her.
She can’t do that she’s a liberal professor and she does what she wants the heck with taxes
Typical liberal ideology. Expect others to pay but not them.
Why must being successful in this country be a bad thing. Pay 80 percent. So why be successful. If your rich and pay 40 percent of gpur income compared to someone who makes less and pays 30 percent. Well, you in fact are now paying more than your fair share.