In a fitting topic for the income tax filing deadline, Tucker Carlson roasted a California politics professor on Tucker Carlson Tonight last evening for claiming wealthy Americans are not paying their “fair share” in income taxes.
Caroline Heldman, an assistant professor of politics at Occidental College in Los Angeles, argued for radically hiking taxes on taxpayers in the top one percent of income, those earning $470,000 and higher.
She based her argument in part on the fact that wealthy individuals paid as much as 90 percent in taxes during the presidencies of Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy.
Find out how Carlson countered her argument and revealed her for the socialist ideologue she is on the next page.
Way to go Tucker
I can’t believe she thinks that is ok… All I heard was..”someone other than me should pay”
She is totally divorced from reality
Yep, do as I say, not as I do.
Dumb$#%&!@*liberals don’t have the ability to use their brains to its full potential, they just can’t, then they break down, start to melt down !
She’s obviously a looney tune.
How does she know who in the one percent is donating to charity and who’s not? Oh, she doesn’t care.
Bitch thinks she knows it all just because she’s a professor, maybe the top one percent is giving their money to charities!
It’s always tax those who create a thriving economy… why, to give it to the Government who will spend it better??? Basically, bigger government.
This is why they need tenure and/ or unions