In a fitting topic for the income tax filing deadline, Tucker Carlson roasted a California politics professor on Tucker Carlson Tonight last evening for claiming wealthy Americans are not paying their “fair share” in income taxes.
Caroline Heldman, an assistant professor of politics at Occidental College in Los Angeles, argued for radically hiking taxes on taxpayers in the top one percent of income, those earning $470,000 and higher.
She based her argument in part on the fact that wealthy individuals paid as much as 90 percent in taxes during the presidencies of Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy.
Find out how Carlson countered her argument and revealed her for the socialist ideologue she is on the next page.
What. A. Loser.
This is a typical socialist. Take from the rich and give to the poor. Or more exact to the lazy who do not want to work. That’s exactly what it is socialism didn’t work in Russia and it won’t work in the United States you stupid moron.
Yea, Tucker!
And she is supposed to be a college professor, and people wonder why college students are so messed up,
Go Tucker!!!
You gotta Love Tucker!!!
Didn’t she say that the top 1% are getting taxed at 40 %? Now call me crazy, but what is for an example the stolen tax return of Trump a few years ago which was $300+ million? That would be that he paid according to her own statement $120,000,000 out of that 300 million. Yet she’s paying 30%. SMH
Listen to the interview and had a good laugh watch this woman explain nothing!!!!
Let idiots like her keep talking, she is removing all doubt regarding how the democratics want to take hard earned money and give it to perricits who will vote for them. That’s what this really is. Vote them out of existence.