In a fitting topic for the income tax filing deadline, Tucker Carlson roasted a California politics professor on Tucker Carlson Tonight last evening for claiming wealthy Americans are not paying their “fair share” in income taxes.
Caroline Heldman, an assistant professor of politics at Occidental College in Los Angeles, argued for radically hiking taxes on taxpayers in the top one percent of income, those earning $470,000 and higher.
She based her argument in part on the fact that wealthy individuals paid as much as 90 percent in taxes during the presidencies of Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy.
Find out how Carlson countered her argument and revealed her for the socialist ideologue she is on the next page.
Never give someone an incentive not to work.
Ya, she’s a stupid liberal twit but I’d still hit that.
My favorite besides the whole thing being awesome, was the professor flashing the whatever sign…lol
So if you make $500k you bring home $150k. If you make $250k you bring home $175k. Hey that makes sense.
Another reason why college has become a middle class ripoff. Why pay to send kids to sit in a classroom to hear this drivel?
“NEXT PAGE” really? I want to read the story, but does it have to be click bait?
Tucker is my hero
Very well said you must be a professor
I am quickly concluding that the only reason a parent would send their kids to college is because they want them out of the house and will do anything and pay anything to make that happen. Clearly the credentials of the professors play little in the decision.
I love how he just tears them apart and then allows them to continue to sckewer themselves on live TV. Epic!