In a fitting topic for the income tax filing deadline, Tucker Carlson roasted a California politics professor on Tucker Carlson Tonight last evening for claiming wealthy Americans are not paying their “fair share” in income taxes.
Caroline Heldman, an assistant professor of politics at Occidental College in Los Angeles, argued for radically hiking taxes on taxpayers in the top one percent of income, those earning $470,000 and higher.
She based her argument in part on the fact that wealthy individuals paid as much as 90 percent in taxes during the presidencies of Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy.
Find out how Carlson countered her argument and revealed her for the socialist ideologue she is on the next page.
Perhaps the government should get out of education? Prices hve gone up and up and according to many one sees, educated doesn’t mean smart. I donate to charities too. Specific charities. Faith based often. Ouch. Occidental, isn’t that where BO did his first year?
So she wants to penalize people for becoming rich?????
Welcome to President Trump’s plan!!!
I wonder if she knows about the Kennedy trusts and avoiding estate taxes down to the 4th generation? She should attack the missing estate taxes on Foundations like the Gates, etc. Donald Trump’s tax return that Bow Wow Maddow was messing with showed quite a bit of taxes paid. Most of which was the AMT. AMT was passed to catch the richest who paid no taxes. It also caught the middle class. A college grad with a good job could pay the AMT. A couple with good jobs could as well. An old lady with forced withdrawals from her IRA could so as well and have her SS taxed. On and on
Roger Smith Planned Parenthood was one.
Roger Smith. Long form from hospital with errors. Father’s place of birth and name of hospital. That aside,Bow Wow Maddow and Hillary both expounded on Trump’s one return. He paid a lot in taxes and Hilary wanted to know what idiot lost so much money in a year. Almost any real estate investor and also her son-in-law’s investment fund. If Trump’s returns were laid end to end, who would interpret them? A Harvard professor of economics no doubt. HA HA.
Mike Jones. Occidental is a private college.
Larry O’Brien, a lib supporter and outspoken critic of everyone not a lib, was wheeled into a hospital to have heart surgery. Name on the hospital was the Koch brothers. Hope that is true. My son-in-law attended a great eastern college on a football scholarship. Like many fans of football, he thinks athletics are a great source of revenue, spirit, etc. I asked him, if he knew of any college that had any buildings named after them because they donated funds. Nope the nerds. Spellman and the U of Chicago benefitted from the Rockefellers. Duke Univ from tobacco and energy money. Rice in TX the same thing. UCLA, a surprise because a Hollywood billionaire donated a lot for an eye clinic. He had been an eye doc. Nike founder decided to donate after his mother had cancer. Hospital. He also paid for ahuge athletic center, perhaps basketball? People have no clue about real estate or even investor taxes. Capital gains and losses. Writeoffs. Guys like Buffett have shares in BofA, but not normal shares. Any bankruptcies leave those shares pretty much okay. Oh and the one no one wants to mention is Arnold Beckman. Cal Tech etc. Spellman supposedly returned Bill Cosby’s millions, but don’t believe it. He wanted black people really educated and said it began with them and their parents. Ouch.
The “Professor” is unable to think as fast as Tucker–LOL!!! So she goes on: Blah blah bla bla blah blah blah. LMAO!!!!