In a fitting topic for the income tax filing deadline, Tucker Carlson roasted a California politics professor on Tucker Carlson Tonight last evening for claiming wealthy Americans are not paying their “fair share” in income taxes.
Caroline Heldman, an assistant professor of politics at Occidental College in Los Angeles, argued for radically hiking taxes on taxpayers in the top one percent of income, those earning $470,000 and higher.
She based her argument in part on the fact that wealthy individuals paid as much as 90 percent in taxes during the presidencies of Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy.
Find out how Carlson countered her argument and revealed her for the socialist ideologue she is on the next page.
Look at the state she teaches in– says a lot
Saw it live!!
I’m so sorry, but women’s lib has destroyed the traditional rolls set up by God Almighty for the family. God ordained man to head the family, and woman to be his helpmate and the heart of the family. When you go against God Almighty, all hell breaks loose. You open the door for satan to enter the family and do his dirty work! The Supreme Court made a huge mistake when they changed Gods plan for the family, one man and one woman! We will suffer the results of this decision. All decisions have consequences!!!
Here is a article that shows who’s paying and who’s not.
The remaining 35 percent of the taxpayers, those earning 50k to 250k, pay the remaining 32 percent of the total taxes collected.
Typical liberal answer. Do as I say not as I do.
Bernie lost thank God. Or this rediculous idea would be reality. Socialism has failed everywhere it has neen tried. No motivation for excellence. Just a guarantee of a substinance existance supplied by a bloated government.
Brainless, liberal, bleeding heart, bimbo.
Living proof that education and Common Sense are two different things
She probably applauds the c**p coming out of Hollywood, yet Hollywierd is baling on Calif. They quack all the social justice c**p, and when time to pay the extortion in taxes they have encouraged on the people stuck there…they split.
They are doing as little as they can in that state for a reason.
Love Tucker