The Transport Security Administration (TSA) has been using body scanners to peer into air passengers’ every nook and cranny for years. Nobody likes the costly, invasive systems and now the TSA is facing a legal challenge over their use.
The surprising part is the reason behind the suit by three limited-government, civil-liberties organizations:
Don’t like the searching or scanning? Take a freaking bus or train!!
Impeach and prison. Take back our country.
It keeps bombs and guns and things that hurt ppl off airplanes ppl grow up and know with out stuff like this ppl die
Love to hear the whining as soon as a terrorist blows himself up with ones family members on board… either one’s ok with “intrusive check” for the sake of enhanced security or one demands personal freedom but shuts tf up about anybody getting harmed because harmful people roam around unchecked.. make YOUR pick!
So you would rather have someone touch your body to check for weapons then this machine???
itisno more than a xray it is only a bother if you have something to hide but this way it,s not your choice if you want to hurt someone else
Did not need this when America was Segregated. Just saying!
When killers scraps the bombs and quits killing we,ll scrap this ,it is no more than a xray ,if they have nothing to it won,t bother them think about it
Remember when they said it’s just as safe as going to the dentist? Do you get Ex-rays done at the dentist where they don’t give you a vest to put on ?