The ‘T’ in TSA is supposed to stand for ‘Transportation’, not ‘Thought’, but the Transportation Security Administration apparently is not above interrogating and searching travelers’ belongings based on what newspapers they are seen with.
Award winning Jewish author Phyllis Chesler was questioned and had her bag searched at New York’s JFK Airport as a result of a TSA agent’s suspicions over the fact that she was reading a conservative newspaper. The incident happened on Wednesday afternoon after Chesler’s flight to Florida was delayed due to the recent ice storms. As soon as Chesler pulled out a copy of The Jewish Press, a popular English language weekly with a conservative political bent, a TSA agent eyed her with suspicion, approached the author and asked to see the newspaper. After the TSA agent scrutinized the cover of the newspaper and showed it to another security official, Chesler was ordered to open her luggage, which the two agents then proceeded to rifle through. During the search, Chesler was interrogated by the two TSA workers. As her luggage was being searched, Chesler noticed that a Muslim woman wearing a niqab that covered her entire face apart from her eyes was allowed through security with no questions asked and with no one even bothering to verify her identity. TSA announcements in airports have warned patrons against making jokes about the TSA and fliers have been barred from flights and treated as terrorist suspects based on slogans on their TShirts. When do we say “Enough is enough!”? Source: Infowars Photo: Youtube Screenshot
T S A,, are just Drones..pawn’s in the scheme of things.They know true Americans are no threat.Its all about desensitizing us to search and seizure,If you don’t have to fly I wouldn’t fly ,when the airlines start to losing money,they will wake up
The tsa is nothing but a big joke. They employee sexual predators whole like to perform cavity searches and feel up anyone they want for no reason after x-ray, metal detectors explosive seancing computers. I’m just glad I will never fly.if I can’t drive there I don’t need to go.
They are like any other agency nowadays – outstepping their authority and our freedoms – they need to be disbanded immediately
All passengers should buy a conservative paper and flash it every time your going through the tsa inspection it is legal to do it
this corrupt administration has got to be stopped people !!
I wonder how tsa and other government people would like us to be spying on them
dam Nazi bastaeds
TSA needs to go
It’s not thought police. It’s shock journalism. The $#%&!@* they publish is outrageous. Some things are bull$#%&!@*. Others are just plain ludicrous. So now the president is a Muslim disc jockey at target on Sundays to disrupt shoppers. Some $#%&!@* people read and believe is ridiculous.
Obama is just putting his supporters in place to support his dictatorship. He will soon write a book, Mien Stupidity.