Donald Trump has wasted no time in going to work on fulfilling his campaign promises, including those that have generated the most controversy. His policy initiatives on immigration and the presence of illegal aliens in the US would fall into that category. This strikes close to the heart of Democratic leadership since these illegals are reliable source of new voters for the Democratic Party.
Even though uncontrolled immigration virtually invites terrorists to enter the country along with those who want the benefits of living in the US, leftists have been intransigent in their support for open borders. Either they do not care about the danger open borders present, or their goals of pouring immigrants into our nation supersede any danger they might present.
Mr. Trump, on the other hand, is slamming the door on uncontrolled immigration, partly through his order to begin the border wall, and partly thorough executive orders directing the enforcement of existing laws. More on page two.
Green card theft that is why
It’s called “Resettlement Programs for muslims.” Muslims are forbidden by the quran to assimulate or pledge allegiance to our flag, oath, laws, anthem, or US Constitution. We have thousands of able-body young immigrant muslim men who will not work, or fight in our military…it is against their “religion,” yet they can fight in our streets against our citizens and rape our women. They yell, “Death to America, convert or die” is only choice. It was a mistake for Obama to import them in the first place when Saudi Arabia has one million a/c tents ready for Syrian refugees. We have only to look to Europe to see what a problem they are fighting. I would like to see muslims HAPPY back in their own country with their own customs, their own language, their own values, and their own sharia laws. Let’s all back President Trump and congress on this new “Resettlement Program for muslims!”
Flashback: Roosevelt Bans “Entire Mohammedan World” From Immigrating to USA
This is when we Presidents with ” Steel Spines & Loved the American Citizen & Common Sense & Logic ” ……now we have ” oval office sitters ” that are ” Socialist , greedy,Treasonous, criminal, non-American white/black trash with their own AGENDA’s ” , unlike this man here …..President Theodore Roosevelt who did this instead of bring them here to ” rape / kill ” us !!!,————————————–>Flashback: Roosevelt Bans “Entire Mohammedan World” From Immigrating to USA
The leftist media would have you believe that Donald Trump is too reactionary, too racist, and too xenophobic to become president, and they usually point toward Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim aliens to prove their point. (Trump has since changed his ban to a restriction on any individual coming to the United States from a country compromised from terrorism.) Unfortunately, history is at odds with the left’s claims.
President Theodore Roosevelt, also a Republican, signed a bill that banned practicing Muslims from entering the United States after he won the election in 1904. He won that election with 336 electoral votes, 190 more than his challenger, Alton B. Parker.
Sure, times have changed in the past hundred years, but polling data suggests that Trump’s ban, even in its most controversial form, was supported by the majority of the United States. It’s another fact that the mainstream media conveniently forgets when attacking the GOP nominee.
See details on Roosevelt’s implicit ban on the next page:
Donald Trump came under fire late last year when he proposed a ban on immigration by foreign aliens — but he’s not the first person to do so. In fact, it was done by a sitting president.
A hundred years ago, Muslims were furious over an immigration bill whose origins lay with advocacy by a headstrong and loudmouthed Republican in the White House.
The anti-immigration bill offended the Ottoman Empire, the rotting Caliphate of Islam soon to be defeated at the hands of America and the West, by banning the entry of “all polygamists, or persons who admit their belief in the practice of polygamy.”
This, as was pointed out at the time, would prohibit the entry of the “entire Mohammedan world” into the United States.
And indeed it would.
The battle had begun earlier when President Theodore Roosevelt had declared in his State of the Union address back in 1906 that Congress needed to have the power to “deal radically and efficiently with polygamy.” The Immigration Act of 1907, signed into law by President Theodore Roosevelt, had banned “polygamists, or persons who admit their belief in the practice of polygamy.”
It was the last part that was most significant because it made clear what had only been implied.
The Immigration Act of 1891 had merely banned polygamists. The newest law banned anyone who believed in the practice of polygamy. That group included every faithful believing Muslim.
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The left seems to have forgotten this piece of legislation when attacking Trump’s credibility. While they’d likely relish any opportunity to attack a Republican — even one from a hundred years ago — it doesn’t serve their immediate goals. They don’t seem to care about principle, they only want to destroy Trump and send Hillary Clinton to the White House.
Who the hell is Trunmp??? Learn to proof you idiots!!!!
Is this a BS story because Trump’s name is spelled wrong???
Obama’s administration gave out thousands of green cards , visas and badges to unvetted muslims , just part of his plan…
Gorge soroce is still out there. He is a pon like the pther candidates. Whem will america open there eyes. Read your history.
The people that Trump want will not set foot in america he is waisting his time. He needs to send troops to mexico to stop the cartel. He should not be sending the people that come to work here back to mexico when the bosses in mexico are the ones they want. This is stupid. People need to read and look up the laws and the constitution. This is getting out of hand.
Check them all