With some of the most insidiously sinister scandals detailed by The Hill’s John Solomon as being ripe for further microscopic examination through an “Office of Transparency,” Truth and Action has come up with a few more in which it may be interesting to delve.
How about these?
The Russia-Collusion Hoax!!! (Judicial Watch has just today scored a major victory when a judge ordered that FBI documents referring to Christopher Steele and the Dossier, post-dating his work as an informant, be declassified and made available to the watchdog group!
The Gateway Pundit:
Judge Cooper said: “[T]he potential for illuminating the FBI’s activities is not too difficult to discern. Communications post-dating Steele’s time as an informant might reveal a great deal about why the FBI developed him as a CHS [confidential human source], his performance as a CHS, and why the FBI opted to terminate its relationship with him. Those records might either bolster or weaken Steele’s credibility as a source. That information, in turn, could provide a basis on which to evaluate the FBI’s performance of its law-enforcement duties, including its judgment in selecting and relying on confidential sources, especially in connection with such a politically sensitive subject. Of course, the records Judicial Watch speculates about might not even exist—and even if they do, they may not reveal anything significant about the FBI’s operations. But that they might do so makes them a matter of potential public interest.”
The IRS Conservative scandal (Lois Lerner has never faced proper scrutiny for her crimes…nor has Obama)
Benghazi (we still do not know who was involved in the decision to “stand down” and why it was ordered thus. No one…not a single person…was ever fired for this gross negligence)
Fast & Furious (border agent Brian Terry who was slain by the very weapons that Obama and Holder allowed to be sold to South American terrorists has never found peace because the truth of this matter has never come out publicly)
Black Panthers Polling Station Voter Suppression (why did Obama and Holder not prosecute?)
Black Lives Matter Targeting of Police Officers (many of our bravest men and women in blue were targeted and killed without any sort of investigation into why this was not pursued more vigorously)
Lynch-Clinton Tarmac Meeting (right before Hillary’s email exoneration?)
Solyndra (and what became of that financial boon for its owners)
Trump’s new “Office of Transparency” is the very tool that conservatives have been looking for in their quest to Drain the Swamp. It’s about time to get out the nets and the pool vacuums!
Can you think of any other scandals that should be exposed to the sunlight?
Source: The Hill / The Gateway Pundit
Can’t wait till it all comes out. Trump 2020
Hillarys murders of people that were to testify or know what was going on!! Tie that is also!!
What happened on September 9 with Clinton trial?
I gave a customer who mailed her payment from Rockport TX on September 4 and hasn’t showed up yet in Holdenville OK along with 5 other of her bills mailed . She finally called the post office and was told that the head post master had ordered all mail placed ok n hold untill they removed some machines. She said it had something to d ok with the election. This could be a stall tactic to keep mail in votes from making good mail time. Please check this out.
Cheryle Janes
I have a customer who mailed her payment from Rockport TX on September 4 and hasn’t showed up yet in Holdenville OK along with 5 other of her bills mailed . She finally called the post office and was told that the head post master had ordered all mail placed ok n hold untill they removed some machines. She said it had something to d ok with the election. This could be a stall tactic to keep mail in votes from making good mail time. Please check this out.
Cheryle Janes
The criminal Democrat party must be investigated and the people responsible for the criminal acts must be prosecuted. Law and order must be brought back, if not we are doomed to lose our Republic/Democracy.