We can all remember how the Trump administration promised to set up a new commission to delve into election fraud. The preliminary investigation has begun and only a week into it and already, Kris Kobach, the Kansas Secretary of State, has found that in just 28 states, there is already a massive number of problems. In a time when information can be shared so quickly and discreetly, and people become ever more mobile, it is more important than ever to ensure that the integrity of the nation’s elections is intact. A rude hybrid of modern technology and Liberal ideology have morphed our once easily trusted system into a broken machine with missing gears and a motor that sputters along on tainted fuel and clouds of dirty smoke.
Welcome to Leftist Utopia America where anyone can vote at any time and as often as you wish in any (or every) location. Even the questionable ballots can be filled out by voters who do not appear on the rolls, cast and counted before a viable investigation into the validity of the ballot ever takes place. By that time, the election is over and the results are written in stone, too late to make a change or recall, unless of course you’re Hillary Clinton calling on your useful idiots in the media and fellow Green Party candidates to mount a resistance.
The new commission on election fraud has taken its first tentative steps toward getting some solid evidence that supports the suspicions and contentions of the Right that there is broad and rampant violation of our election systems and that the Left is primarily the perpetrator of such fraud. It must also be pointed out that it does appear that over the past 20 years, the people continually caught breaking election laws have been Democrats. When you hear about another case of election fraud (from the Rightwing media of course, because it’s practically non-existent in the mainstream media) you never, ever once think to yourself, “Those Republicans are at it again!”
That being said, the information contained in the preliminary examination of voter rolls from only 28 states is staggering. If history is any indication, however, this will be only the tip of the voter fraud iceberg.
This has to be fixed before Election 2020! Watch those illegals!!!!
I thought the “commission” was dissolved over a year ago because some States refused to provide the data the team needed to compile the information?? How old is this artical?
Never elect a demorat for anything
Start rechecking every vote cast, several times over, and over again before allowing any vote to be counted as an acceptable and validation of an an honest election vote.
Democrats are notorious cheaters in every election since the beginning of time.
No illegal votes, cast by illegals should ever be counted in the American elections, nor should non citizens of any state be allowed to cross the state lines to manipulate the outcome of that state’s election outcome, by casting a vote in a state that you are not a citizen of.
Voter fraud should have have laws in place, that will prosecute anyone breaking these laws, , and these crooks who are stealing the elections from the rightful, and legal voters , should be prosecuted for their criminal activities and sent to prison.
This includes the people who are working in the voting stations, all across America.
Prison time for these political criminals, and this should be a great deterrent to all voter fraud cheaters in the 2020 presidential election.
Not to mention the state, city, and county voting outcome as well.
Just vote Red. . You can’t go wrong. The best thing a true American can do. Our forefathers will love and thank you for this.
I bet California and New York have the most. Especially with the highest numbers being undocumented or illegal immigrants, then deceased people.
Their Democraps, You Know Their Gonna Cheat Anyway They Can !!!!!
California and New York will undoubtedly be the GREATEST OFFENDERS, being large Democratic states! Since you’ve already found Discrepancies, I hope you remain vidulent in your inspections of our systems, and arrest those intentionally corrupting our voting system!
Keep working to fix this mess. There are multiple states that participate in voter fraud. We appreciate your hard work. Keep digging there is a lot of dirt. Thanks