Perhaps there really aren’t any hard and fast rules in politics. Even if that’s the case, there are some features you can expect to encounter if you chose to plunge into this nasty game. One would be copious use of subterfuge. In other words, things are seldom what they appear to be. Keeping one’s opponents off-guard and wondering is a powerful technique. Deliberate misdirection works very well when wielded skillfully.
So what is to be made of the comments coming from Trump that give the possible impression he might not order criminal charges pursued against Hillary Clinton? Is he reneging on one of his campaign promises?
More on page two.
Give it a rest for the love of god!
Wait til Obama is out of office
Do it
mr. new president, hang that$#%&!@* for treason ,when you get in office
Eddie go to lybia
Trump cannot do anything until he is sworn in! Geesh people! Get a brain! Besides if he even suggests he’ll go after Hilbiotch now, she’ll leave the country. She knows she can be indicted for treason for allowing secrets via her illegal server to foreign hostile actors and Russia’s “reset” didn’t do a damned thing but bring about Edward Snowden who she wishes were dead! Figure it out! Y’all need to read your history more and think!
yes show america no ones to big not clitface or oblabber
Your caps lock is on if you weren’t aware
Why do you think the democraps are pushing for the recounts
Put that$#%&!@*away! If Martha Stewart can go to prison for tac evasion. Then Clinton should be hung for treason!