Hillary Clinton, according to Donald Trump is “the one that caused so many deaths and everything with her horrible policies”. Trump told Fox & Friends that Hillary is the dangerous one in response to her accusation that Trump’s speech is dangerous, that he is rough.
Trump brought up Libya, Benghazi and the multitude of disastrous decisions that she has made that he says has “caused tremendous havoc and tremendous death”.
Trump, in his very “trumpy” manner, has stirred up the American people, creating consternation, appeal, applause and dread, without the fear of losing financial backing from supporters. His ability to call it as he sees it resonates with most Americans, as they too call it as they see it at their jobs, living rooms and sitting at the local pub.
Hillary, is not used to being called out in the political arena in such glaring terms and in her opinion “dangerous” terms. View the Fox & Friends interview on the following page.
He’s dangerous to Hillary. You betcha. Her butt’s in jeprody when Trump is around and she knows it. How else can she win anything unless she plays DIRTY????
The devil himself could not have done more to destroy the foundation and underlying fabric of this nation than those two have. A person would have to be blind as a bat not to be able to see that.
HILLARY’S dangerous, look at what she did
This is not a war between Trump and Hillary we need to know who’s going to fix this mess we are in not who can insult each other the best geez get real !!!!
I want my email address removed from your list
We want #Trump2016
He is right Bengals was on her watch and she knowingly lied about a video which no one had even looked at. They jailed an innocent man a coptic Christian because it helped cover up her mistake. She lied to the families and she never took any of the ambassadors calls or read his e mail. This woman who wants to be president couldn’t even do the basic thing as Secretary of state and keep in touch with her ambassadors. Does anyone think she will worry a nanosecond a out the American people?
You sir are the problem with this country. You are a lazy no good POS. You don’t have enough sense to pour p**s out of a boot if the directions are on the sole. I will pray for you. Idiot.
She is funded by terrorist.
I have said this same thing for a long time. You hardly ever hear him talk about the election as if threw is not going to be one. I would venture to say if a rep wins he will never take office.