Hillary Clinton, according to Donald Trump is “the one that caused so many deaths and everything with her horrible policies”. Trump told Fox & Friends that Hillary is the dangerous one in response to her accusation that Trump’s speech is dangerous, that he is rough.
Trump brought up Libya, Benghazi and the multitude of disastrous decisions that she has made that he says has “caused tremendous havoc and tremendous death”.
Trump, in his very “trumpy” manner, has stirred up the American people, creating consternation, appeal, applause and dread, without the fear of losing financial backing from supporters. His ability to call it as he sees it resonates with most Americans, as they too call it as they see it at their jobs, living rooms and sitting at the local pub.
Hillary, is not used to being called out in the political arena in such glaring terms and in her opinion “dangerous” terms. View the Fox & Friends interview on the following page.
The habitually liar
#TRUMP!! NO MATTER WHAT!! I am a very Michigan Proud Female Supporting TRUMP 2016 for PRESIDENT!! Only Dems ask Stupid questions!! don’t even bother jackasses!! TRUMP is the BEST MAN for PRESIDENT!!!
Really lady,,,did they start any wars huh!did they kill millions of ppl like the bush’s and Cheney did!
I cannot believe sheeple are voting for her
A LIAR is dangerous. Hillary is a LIAR……..
I am hoping this is a joke on your part..
But you are right on in this is the way liberals think. Lazy, crazy and a festering wart on America.
RIGHT, CAROLYN (below comment) GO TRUMP !!!
Hil-arious is STILL lying
She thinks she won’t ever get caught. She forgot to mention her husband was shown in that.
No Hillary lied Murdered violated our CONSTITUTION Military and Veterans and committed Treason