Hillary Clinton, according to Donald Trump is “the one that caused so many deaths and everything with her horrible policies”. Trump told Fox & Friends that Hillary is the dangerous one in response to her accusation that Trump’s speech is dangerous, that he is rough.
Trump brought up Libya, Benghazi and the multitude of disastrous decisions that she has made that he says has “caused tremendous havoc and tremendous death”.
Trump, in his very “trumpy” manner, has stirred up the American people, creating consternation, appeal, applause and dread, without the fear of losing financial backing from supporters. His ability to call it as he sees it resonates with most Americans, as they too call it as they see it at their jobs, living rooms and sitting at the local pub.
Hillary, is not used to being called out in the political arena in such glaring terms and in her opinion “dangerous” terms. View the Fox & Friends interview on the following page.
Also you left out Obama and his reign !!!!!
Tim Philpot – you used someone else’s words in your so called rebuttal . Can’t you speak for yourself ???
Will there even come an election? The way the dictator in chief is behaving, he may possibly give himself a third term – that possibly doesn’t end.
Didn’t he do enough to be impeached? He’s the one who’s dangerous, together with clinton.
Killary Clinton calling Mr. Trump dangerous !!! Now that’s comedy !!! She killed 4 Americans in Benghazi and now wants the opportunity to kill the rest of us as our President and protector !!! What a laugh !! God help AMERICA if she succeeds !!!!
I’m a PROUD liberal and am NOT ashamed to admit it either ! I just am so ashamed of the American middle class for failing in their moral duty ! The middle class is SELFISH ! They have money to spare and we liberals know it ! The middle class pretends to be overburdened with taxes ! That is SOOO funny, and a lie . In Europe , they take care of everyone and they don’t mind giving 85% or MORE to share . We liberals just think America is a rich land and those that like to work should work and generate lots of taxable income so there will be more to share with those that don’t like to work . It’s true , some people just find working for a living distasteful and disagreeable, and President Obama also believes people shouldn’t have to go without cell phone , computers, designer jeans, cars, food, housing, education, subsidies, etcetera, etcetera, just because work is not their thing . America can and should share their middle class wealth with Illegal Immigrants . The idea of “vetting” is just repugnant to we liberals. We liberals need more illegal immigrants and refugees to become our voting base. And who care if Muslims want to make America a Muslim country , I’m a male and Islam favors males, so I’ll don a bed sheet and put a turbine on my head–I don’t care as long as I get my subsides, welfare, food stamps, free health care , free housing , free transportation, more entitlements and anything else our great liberal, democrat, socialist government can squeeze out of the selfish middle class. As far as the middle class and the conservatives are concerned, they just love to grumble and complain , but are too lazy to do anything to stop us. The only real threat we liberals, democrats and socialists have in the next presidential election is TRUMP ! He wants to stop illegal immigrants and refugees from coming to America to get a share of the booty the middle class is hoarding ! Who care if immigrants and refugees want to change America and riot and bring terrorism–we liberals, democrats and socialists know how evil America is and how deserving this country is to fall !! We liberals, democrats and liberals just don’t care about America and it’s very chic to talk about how evil America is at our cocktail parties ! Both political parties are together really , Republicans and democrats have merged now ! We have to stop TRUMP ! That man will ruin everything we are working towards ! We will make up any lie , smear his character and defame him anyway possible to get Bernie or Hillary elected so we liberals can have all the free stuff we want !!! TRUMP will only bring prosperity, safety and security to this country and we liberals might have to start pulling our own weight –what a frightening thought that is !!!! Oh , remember to keep blaming the Republicans and Bush –Cheney also , just for good measure. It seems to convince all my fellow liberals that we are justified in our agenda when we blame everyone else –I , as do my fellow liberals will not accept any wrong doing ! Have a good day to all liberals and remember there is no such thing as guilt or shame in our world !
It’s definitely looking like there’ll be some sort of executive order or martial law
You apparently didn’t think that when you put Ob in the Wt Hs
I take the shirt and the lady hahaha gooo trump
Trump 2016 if not we have lost America if Hillary gets in office !
Wow…is that the pot calling the kettle black….