The latest trend among the left — particularly in the aftermath of the Charlottesville riots — is to link Donald Trump to white supremacy, the KKK and other racial extremist groups. The purpose is, of course, to infer that Donald Trump is a racist.
Some politicians don’t even bother with the dog whistle. They call Trump racist outright. Most recently, certified liberal whackjob Maxine Waters said that Trump resides in the “White Supremacy House” rather than the White House.
But there’s a problem with these leftist attacks — nothing in Trump’s past suggests the president is racist at all. In fact, it suggests the exact opposite.
This has been reported on many times, but few media outlets bother to run stories defending Trump even when they come from individuals intimately familiar with the president.
this week, one of the people who has been most intimate with the president — literally — is speaking up.
See what she had to say on the next page:
Donald J Trump was given awards for his work in the black community. Fought and won to get blacks allowed in private clubs. Had 40 or so Jewish workers in Trump Inc. His son in law is Jewish and his daughter converted. His daughter loves him so much she would have NEVER DONE ANYTHING to hurt her father. Therefor, he is NOT A RACIST OR ANTI SEMITE. LOOK AT HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH BENJAMINE NETANYAHU. ANYONE, ANYONE WHO SAYS OTHERWISE IS A BIG FAT LIAR. THIS MAN, OUR PRESIDENT, HAS BEEN VILLAFIED BY THE BIAS LEFT MEDIA. THIS HAS TO END!!
shut up gerald useful leftist idiot
for christ sake nobody could live to the standards you$#%&!@*hole hold to Trump ! look at all the dems getting indicted or that’s should be . it is such a lop sided percentage it’s crazy . get a f’ing life
Trump was never a racist! Fools like you believe lies that the Left dreams up! Just this year, all of the sudden he is racist? Try again!
Haters will find ways to hate regardless of the evidence in front of them.
Tony Ray sure he does. He called for the execution of 5 blacks and Latinos AFTER they were acquitted.
Just the media and the cry babies trying to make him look like a racists!
Trump is NOT a RACIST!!!
Never has been. He’s actually been a champion for diversity.
No one but a racist think he is
Pat what about that time he was sued in federal court for discrimination.