As Democrats, the fake news media and left-wing hate groups (excuse the redundancy) keep trying to sell the outrageous lie that Donald Trump is a racist and white supremacist, they overlook a 30-year history of Donald Trump rejecting racism and promoting equality.
Unfortunately for them, there are facts that get in the way of their false narrative.
For decades, television interviews and news broadcasts have been recorded and preserved for future reference. The same holds true for newspaper archives. For those seeking the truth, it’s all too easy to uncover the real Donald Trump record on race.
That is, for those seeking to report the truth and not perpetrate an enormous fraud on the public, as has happened with the scurrilous and defaming attacks on President Trump.
As legendary sportscaster Warner Wolf, a New York legend, used to say, “Let’s go to the videotape.” On the next page, learn what’s in the public record for all to see.
Please support the naritove or don’t post. If not we will call you a racist$#%&!@*
Too chummy with sleazy Jackson.
President Trump wasn’t considered a racist until he ran against the lying, corrupt can’t stand up hillary.
You mean “until he ran against the real racist” ????
Someone is spot on here
Hey,that doesn’t fit their narrative.
But he is a racist because he didn’t run as a democrat. That automatically makes him a racist despite all the facts.
But the racists are calling him a racist. Go figure.
He just helped those UCLA players get home after them stealing in China.. I have heard very little thanks from the media
How many more years does it take for people to realize he’s not faking it ?
Them damned…
When will it stop???
Your confusing the voters…
Dicen que es rasista peroo toda su vida a sido lo contrario y eso no se escucha en las noticias convenencieras falsas