Last week Trump said that Hillary Clinton got “schlonged” by Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic Primary, and ever since Team Clinton has characterized the comments from Trump as sexiest, villainous, and altogether disgusting.
Well, perhaps Clinton may want to look at who she’s bringing back into the White House before she goes off on Trump for remarks that any average American with half a brain can see wasn’t sexist.
Bill Clinton has been accused of being a womanizer for years, with accusations ranging all the way from unwanted groping to rape, and yet Hillary seems more than willing to defend him from any disparaging attacks.
Maybe that’s because Bill is the closest thing Hillary has to any sense of likability. It’s sad that someone who has had to fight off allegations of rape is somehow the more likable of the two, but such is the reality for Ms. Clinton. That’s just how unlikable she really is.
Donald Trump, of course, is fighting back on Twitter. See his response on the next page:
Sick ‘er, Donald!
More Trump bashing. America, don’t let Hollywood or the media elect the next president again).
I’m WAS scratching my head over women that say Hillary represents us, as women… then, to be honest, women these days don’t represent THEMSELVES with much dignity. Hillary is one of the worst to represent ANY gender. If she’s the best representative we can can find, we should wait. She’s an embarrassment, on every level.
“And then you say this, and I’ll be all like yada yada yada….”
#Trump for #POTUS 2016, Enough Said…
Sick of the BS going on?? A free world is waiting for those in need. The technology is here now to supply the necessities we need to survive, we only have to create this free world. Out with the old and in with the new. Its time for change. Join this group to be part of the change>
Democrats do more to degrade women and blacks than just about anyone else. Wake Up women and stop supporting these idiots.
How can you say you are for women Hillary .. when a little girl baby in the womb does not matter to you … When you supposrt planned parent hood selling baby parts .. When that baby does not get a chance to live to be a woman .??
Islam degrades women like crazy. She is a Pro- islamic. only the most stupid of the stupid women would vote for lying hillary.
She raped an under age gal. I heard it.