Trump Warns Hillary About Playing The ‘Degrading Women’ Card

Trump Warns Hillary About Playing The ‘Degrading Women’ Card

Last week Trump said that Hillary Clinton got “schlonged” by Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic Primary, and ever since Team Clinton has characterized the comments from Trump as sexiest, villainous, and  altogether disgusting.

Well, perhaps Clinton may want to look at who she’s bringing back into the White House before she goes off on Trump for remarks that any average American with half a brain can see wasn’t sexist.

Bill Clinton has been accused of being a womanizer for years, with accusations ranging all the way from unwanted groping to rape, and yet Hillary seems more than willing to defend him from any disparaging attacks.

Maybe that’s because Bill is the closest thing Hillary has to any sense of likability. It’s sad that someone who has had to fight off allegations of rape is somehow the more likable of the two, but such is the reality for Ms. Clinton. That’s just how unlikable she really is.

Donald Trump, of course, is fighting back on Twitter. See his response on the next page:

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Trump Warns Hillary About Playing The ‘Degrading Women’ Card