When Donald Trump cited judge Gonzalo Curiel’s Mexican heritage and ties to controversial Hispanic advocacy groups, the media was quick to call the comments racist in nature.
They claimed that neither association was a disqualifying attribute, a confusing statement given that one organization with which Curiel was associated recently called for a boycott of Trump properties around the world.
The conflicts of interest don’t stop there. Gonzalo himself was nominated by our leftist president Barack Obama, and he has connections to Hillary Clinton as well — thousands of dollars worth, in fact.
All of these decisions are disqualifying in nature, yet all the left are focusing on is the fact that he’s Mexican. Apparently diminishing someone to just their race is just fine for the left, as long as it helps demonize Donald Trump.
Continue reading on the next page to see how the Trump University judge is connected to Trump’s Democrat rival on the next page:
Trump messed up focusing on his heritage. This judge is so corrupt and owned, he should have just exposed him for what he is.
Dave Borg – sure the rabid liberals have plans. Usually those involve looting, burning cities, blocking highways, beating up citizens, waving Mexican flags. Whatever the rabid left plans it won’t be good for America.
Trump will do every thing possible to change things for the better
Adrian Murray tell me are you really as dumb as you sound
And you must have been
They just REFUSE to listen to who it is WE THE PEOPLE want this election…More than a third of the GOP wants to stop Trump before or during the convention.
Politico reported: Nearly four-in-10 Republican members of The POLITICO Caucus — a panel of activists, operatives and strategists in 10 key states — would like to see changes that could deny Trump the party’s nod after the presumptive nominee began the November campaign without a credible campaign structure, in addition to making a series of erratic and inflammatory comments. Among the comments was a recent suggestion that an American-born judge presiding over a civil suit in which he is a defendant can’t be impartial because of the judge’s Mexican heritage
The majority of GOP insiders, a little more than 60 percent, expressed either hesitance or disdain for such an effort. Many warned against overturning the will of the GOP electorate: Trump has won 1,447 bound delegates and has commitments from another 95 unbound delegates — putting him well over the 1,237 needed to clinch the nomination.
But with just six weeks to go until the GOP convention, more than a third want to see the party throw out those rules, unbind the delegates and allow them to choose a different candidate. For many of them, it isn’t as much about winning this year’s election: Trump as the nominee, they believe, represents an existential threat to the party.
“Trump’s continued descent into madness is dragging the GOP down with him,” said a Florida Republican, who like all respondents, completed the survey anonymously. “A convention switchup would be great politics and save the GOP.”