When Donald Trump cited judge Gonzalo Curiel’s Mexican heritage and ties to controversial Hispanic advocacy groups, the media was quick to call the comments racist in nature.
They claimed that neither association was a disqualifying attribute, a confusing statement given that one organization with which Curiel was associated recently called for a boycott of Trump properties around the world.
The conflicts of interest don’t stop there. Gonzalo himself was nominated by our leftist president Barack Obama, and he has connections to Hillary Clinton as well — thousands of dollars worth, in fact.
All of these decisions are disqualifying in nature, yet all the left are focusing on is the fact that he’s Mexican. Apparently diminishing someone to just their race is just fine for the left, as long as it helps demonize Donald Trump.
Continue reading on the next page to see how the Trump University judge is connected to Trump’s Democrat rival on the next page:
Get this RACIST JUDGE out of here!!!
Donald Trump, The People’s President, the greatest ever incoming President & America’s most loved politician. Anti-Establishment, honest, credible & law abiding citizen.
Without him, where will I be & with him, why should I worry? You’re everyone’s darling, so see you on your inauguration in January 2017.
The left won’t read the other side of what they hear on CNN. For days that’s all CNN talked about. Trump is a racist day and night one political expert after another. Sick of them all on CNN. They get Democrats hating Trump and the Democrats won’t read this to clarify it because half of them can only understand English and not read it.
The left hears and believes what they want. Don’t think they have a nodding acquaintance with truth.
La Raza is treason and unConstitutional.
Yep ! Hes 8n a hate group called the trashy race !!
He should be disbarred. He is not fair and impartial!
He needs to recuse himself from the case
quot Noah Webster ONLINE dictionary on FACEBOOK: MISPRI’SE
MISPRISION, noun misprizh’un. [supra.] Neglect; contempt.
1. In law, any high offense under the degree of capital, but nearly bordering thereon. Misprision is contained in every treason and felony. Misprisions are divided into negative and positive; negative, which consist in the concealment of something which ought to be revealed; and positive, which consist in the commission of something which ought not to be done. Misprision of treason, consists in a bare knowledge and concealment of treason, without assenting to it.
Maladministration in offices of high public trust, is a positive misprision..
for me…i continue wity TRUMP