Donald Trump wants the country to know that he isn’t making up the threat of migrant violence. As part of his newly-announced travel ban, the president is requiring the government to report on migrant “honor killings.”
President Donald Trump’s executive order halting the importation of refugees from six terror-exporting countries also includes a section requiring the government to publicly release information on crimes committed by foreign nationals, including honor killings of women.
This lets the government “be more transparent with the American people and to implement more effectively policies and practices that serve the national interest,” the order states. Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly and U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions must work together to provide the public with a report on foreign nationals charged with and convicted of terrorism-related offenses, including those who associate with or provide support to terrorist organizations.
The order also instructs the government to release information on honor-killings. The government will now track cases involving foreign-born individuals who commit “gender-based violence against women,” or honor killings. Honor killings are a brutal practice wherein Muslim males will murder or mutilate female family members accused of bringing shame and dishonor to their families and Islam. Like female genital mutilation, it is a practice that would not exist in the U.S. without mass immigration bringing its practitioners into U.S. communities.
While the court may not have been right in halting the first travel ban, Trump’s second attempt appears to be a much stronger order. Not only has it been crafted to better jell with the United States’ relationship with the Iraqi government, it also appears to be smarter from a PR perspective. With this mandate, the people of the United States will constantly be reminded why such an order is necessary.
Source: Breitbart
These people are banned from our country. They do not follow the laws of our country they need to go back to their countries. Get rid of a load of s**t
Need to send his stripper back.
If you are not an Ametican Indian, you are an immigrant. You need to leave my country
I hate to break this to you Ella Jernigan but native Americans aren’t even native. At some point they walked here too… but if you want to know who holds the rights to the property then you’d have to talk to Santa Anna and why he sold it…
Mr Edwards thank you and the same to you and your nation, don’t ever be scared of telling the truth or what you feel, you were born in America the greatest land on planet but, beacuse of the people, don’t forget, PEOPLE MAKE COUNTRIES, not countries make people, that land was too good because of the heart and soul of its men and women, but being too good is not a good bussiness sr, Media, tv, movies, newspapers, music, have been sending a global message which says ” American Dream” America=easy money, Media is controled by these powerful groups, who pretend to “build” a better world by mixing things, I am not racist but I know for a fact that at least 92% of inmigrants illegal and legal are not the best in their home countries, so you don’t get the best from mexico or iran, or china. Money doesn’t give you values and heart, being poor is not thay bad when you are a good dude or girl, the white dudes from Idaho who move to bigger cities are poor but great fucking people, and you wanna know why? Because they are white, as simple as that, in the other hand you have brown, muslims, chinesse, and the rest who don’t even say a “good morning” to the AMERICANS, no there is not nothing for the owners of that great land! And they complain about america but they live there, they claim their countries are good but they fucking live and work there, in some cases with f**e numbers or f**e green cards, they spit the flag of America because of the god damm money, so these inmigrants are bot good in the bads, only in the goods, and who suffer the most are the American girls, American families, and nobody dares to talk because you could loose your job, It’s madness! I lived in New York city and overstayed my visa, ofcourse i didn’t take advantage of any American, i will never do it, it’s better to die than living a fucking false marrige or selling your soul for the pappers, it’s better to die clean, but I saw it everything and it’s a f**e life, hispanics hate each other, it’s a big lie whay you watch on tv, they call it the “hispanic community” it’s not, it’s more the HIPOCRESY OF HISPANICS, the jeoulosy , the lack of education and values, the foodstamps, the opportunism, the anchor babies, the f**e marrige, the welfare, and their complain about the Country, Remember something it’s not the pappers, but it’s the heart you put on doing and serving people, do what you love but do it with love and you might become famous, trust in God, never in men, but only God, when the whole world is against you God is with you, when you starve God gives you food, and when you put men first God gives you better things, do it with the heart, there’s gonna be times where you love God and someone will attack you or try to hurt you, those are tests from God so you still loving him, he ‘s backing you up, he did it to me in manhattan, I was the poorest man in town, but being loved by the greates people on earth,don’t ever fear or hasetate, Trust God, not the reptiles and even if you see a reptile or the devil, tell him to$#%&!@*off! You can come back from death if you belive it, just don’t hurt nobody fisically, use your words correctly, don’t hurt nobody with words, it seems like these world is hard but it ‘s not, read the bibble, your faith shouldn’t have limits, and you will accomplish what ever you want, love yourself more and more, man up! They mighy call you psicho or whatever, it doesn’t matter, you eat working hard, not giving ears to haters, you can become the next president if you want, but try to build that man, destroy egos, egos only put you in held, no more egos, only females have false egos, believe me! The most beautiful girls in manhattan love man withoth egos, just be yourself no matter what they say, it sounds like a song, but you just don’t have to give a$#%&!@* Listen I was an allien in America but believe me or not I was more loved than a normal american, and i don’t think i am handsome, theree are 250millon men that are real handsome, but what the hell! If they are it’s fucking fine! I really wish the best to these guys from America, and they don’t deserve to have bad people in their own land! Remember something very important, No egos, listen more than talk, learn from even a homeless, he could give you a better advice than your own family, maybe that homeless was famous or rich, don’t understimate no one, remember that They have eyes but they re blind, they have ears but they don’t hear, they have mouth but they don’t talk, these has to do with Egos,$#%&!@*them! GOD is too generous when you are for real, you mighy gain enemies but Be with God, Trump is he s gotten hate from a lot of people, because this world is under the liar! Under anti God, that great nation was great when it was under god, now it’s pro gay, pro abortion, pro everything that makes good guys think about not having a family anymore, that’s the beggining of destruction, but you canbecome a great leader and please don’t believe in titles, Theodore Roosevelt said It’s better to have a good knowledge of the biblie than a degree, and It’s 100% true, may god bless you sr
Daniel Whiting, that is true.
Now that sounded really ignorant.
Stripper… lol.