During a Press Conference on August 25th, Donald Trump had one of his security guards “escort” Univision’s Jorge Ramos out of the presser. Jorge Ramos, is known for his leftist rhetoric, on this side of the border, and on the other side too. He is for open borders, and playing the words game–you can’t call illegal immigrants/aliens, illegal immigrants /aliens. With the Hispanic vote so important, especially in the border state’s, for State elections, Ramos is known as their “go-to” guy for Politicians who want the thumbs up. Trump is Trump, and he continues to not play by those word games, nor by the “go-to” guy game. The video clearly shows Ramos’ arrogance, and Trump’s reaction.
i heard it..trump was right. he was interrupting mr trump
TRUMP just spent three weeks freaking out over a pe$#%&!@*e blonde, can he handle America ? CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT the consistent conservative
I like how the only people ripping Donald have last names like Gonzalez, resendez, Hernandez.. lol.
Leftist …and Hillary’s fan
This coming from a Californian we know why you don’t like him
We know why you don’t like trump
Im guessing ur small minded like everyone else.
Trump 2016
The Democrats are crapping themselves. The Republicans are too. They’re all scared that Americans are finally sick of all their lies and deceit. Allen West said it best recently. ” when you’re catching all the flak, you know you must be over the target”!