Donald Trump made an appearance on 60 minutes over the weekend. When Trump would not comply with giving up his tax plan, the interview turned to another hot button topic-immigration, and Trump’s deportation plan. Trump has been given negative reviews, mostly by the main stream media who portray him as a “fad”, and that his immigration plan is “absurd” . All of the big networks-CNN, FOX, and MSNBC have pundits predicting the fall of Trump. Even at the least left, FOX, only Sean Hannity seems to take him seriously. That said, the American people do not seem to be backing away from Trump-and his immigration proposals are as popular as ever.
more on Trump and immigration
Thank You! President Trump. We The People of the United States Back Up & Support You. Amen In God We Trust…
Yes it can, but my problem is they don’t come here in the most humane treatment, so just send them back with a sack lunch and no deaths… Good enough for me….
Do your homework Jane Coffey, before you open your mouth..
Most other countries give jail time for illegal immigrant entry….
hell the illegals got here freee threr should be no charge to go back free get them gone asap one by go trump you cando it 2016
It’s been done before.
We support you 100 per cent
Here’s the deal about Trumps plan it’s very practical laws are designed to be a practical function of civil society. What it is is very inconvenient as all laws are designed to be some laws or more inconvenient than others they are designed to take your money your time and your freedom and even your life laws are practical at the same time they are inconvenient The more free this society the more inconvenient the laws The original bill 1986 Simpson Mazzoli this is what happens when you lie for 30 years The original bill has not been fulfilled yet when the power brokers in Washington DC cut back door deals backroom deals this is the result enforcing the law is inconvenient for those who violated The law and for those who enforce it let me restate again the law is practical law law is designed to be practical especially in a free society however it is inconvenient when you violate the law that’s the design
Trumps deportation plan will probably work but I just think it would be better if each state would get the people and just make them American citizens if they have been here in this country for a long time and they have jobs and their green card so I wouldn’t send them back to Mexico I would just let each state handle it what does anyone think about that? I’m sure it will be more involved but I guess you get the drift sending people back after they’ve been here a long time is too costly and will take too much time.
Trump for president.