After the left’s relentless attacks against Donald Trump, he might have finally said something that liberals and conservatives – at least the ones who stand to benefit from this plan – can agree on. . . taxes. This might sound strange, considering taxes have always created a large divide between the two parties. How does he plan on doing this, you might be wondering.
His plan is to substantially reduce the taxes being paid by the middle class, while eliminating taxes altogether for lower income households. When asked who he would raise taxes on, he said he plans on raising taxes on some of the very wealthy in America. The upper class might not like that plan, but it kind of makes sense.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
Not MY tax plan.
I didn’t think about the no return fact. I’m not really political at all but he is so far out there in some regards he just might work lol. Plus he’s this country’s best shot at getting our finances in order.
I remember when John Kerry ran for President, he was fond of saying, “I have a plan, but I can’t tell you that plan.” The stinking lib media had no problem with that.
yeah…add me so that we can be friends…
Unfortunately, there is another year plus for the elections! Therefore, now is time, to transfer “online” to the streets of America, before it’s too late!
Go to garbage
Go to Syria
To end that sentance he….. Started to yell his most famous term “your fired” and cried like a baby. Let’s talk about Trump, shall we? Trump’s arrogance, rudeness, thoughtlessness and sexist remarks doesn’t mean he’s strong, admirable NOR a leader. The ONLY thing I like about him is that he’s making people discuss politics.
If Americans vote him in they will be signing their own death certificate.
Any EDUCATED person could tell you that