After the left’s relentless attacks against Donald Trump, he might have finally said something that liberals and conservatives – at least the ones who stand to benefit from this plan – can agree on. . . taxes. This might sound strange, considering taxes have always created a large divide between the two parties. How does he plan on doing this, you might be wondering.
His plan is to substantially reduce the taxes being paid by the middle class, while eliminating taxes altogether for lower income households. When asked who he would raise taxes on, he said he plans on raising taxes on some of the very wealthy in America. The upper class might not like that plan, but it kind of makes sense.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
really ? that idiot smarter then you
He will be the next president… And the one to finish destroying this country!
I knew when he release any plans they would try there best to knit pick it and down play it. But funny thing is (IT’S GREAT)!!!!!!
If exempt they won’t get returns on hand outs
Not really because tax exempt would make them ineligible for a return at the end of the year. So no return off riding the government. It’s actually a pretty good idea. I’m not a fan of Donald specifically but I do like how much he is getting both parties upset. He must be pushing the right buttons.
Not true, I’ve seen many people on welfare get a tax return check, sometimes their return is more than what most people have paid in.
#Trump2016 Support
****IMPORTANT- PLEASE READ**** – All the candidates have to report in October any contributions that they have received so far. The most important contributions are the small ones, $200 or less, they show the candidate has support of the people vs Superpacs, corporate etc. Someone on another Trump page thought if everyone of us put a check for $1 or whatever small amount that we can afford in an envelope and mailed it to Donald Trump for President, they would know how many of us support Trump . Donald Trump appreciates the small donations. I would love to be there when all the checks start coming in. This is just an idea of a way we all can help. My check goes in the mail tomorrow. – Judy Schuman –
Listen Up Trump Supporters. This is a GREAT IDEA and we all need to do this. The money will also help fund food and campaign materials, but would also give moral support and show Donald just how much we believe in him. I would say donate a minimum of $25.00 if you have it, however, no amount is too small. Please step up America if you want your country back!
Add your name to the comments when you donated on the web or mailed in your check…. Kathleen Flaherty
Ok everyone, You can donate online at Trumps site or snail mail
Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.
725 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10022
After you donate go here and add your name
Some liberals are like animals, you can lead them to water but they won’t drink it for fear it might contain smart pills !
Want a good tax plan…..stand with Rand
In TRUMP I TRUST for President 2016!!!!!